Monday, October 20, 2014

Jake 21 Months Old

Jake at 21 Months: 

All About Jake

Jake didn't like it when we added the chalkboard…he wanted the spotlight all to himself.

Height: 35 1/2 inches
Weight: 29 lbs 6 oz

Jake's sleeping habits are: 
From 18 to 21 months Jake went through a bunch of different sleep patterns.  He pretty consistently took a nap everyday, most often 2 hours in length, but as long as 3 1/2 or as short as 1 a few times.  The only day he didn't nap that I can remember was Mimi's birthday, he wanted to celebrate.  Jake still goes to bed early and gets up early, although around 19 months started to consistently make it to 6 am or later…which basically feels like mid-afternoon.  When he was close to 21 months old he had a major sleep regression.  It started at the end of our Sunriver vacation.  We started our two weeks there with the whole family and slowly people started leaving and soon it was just me and Jake.  My guess is this made him uneasy and as a result became super clingy, sleeping with me in my room several times while we were there.  When we got home he cried a lot at bedtime and didn't want me to leave until he was asleep.  He got the stomach flu for the first time at the end of July.  This didn't help, especially since a cold followed.  We just kept going back to our principals on sleep and I knew this was a pretty typical milestone.  Soon we were back to no tears at bedtime, but bath still seems to be a battle some days.  One day he just decided he didn't like baths and especially getting water poured over his head.  We never stopped taking baths although we resorted to sponge baths in Sunriver for a while and soon he got through this stage too.  He is a toddler and he is asserting himself and it can manifest in crazy little ways.  We all made it with our good habits still in tact and happy and well rested boy on our hands. 

Jake's favorite foods are:
Jake is becoming less selective on his foods.  He will at least try mostly anything that we put on his plate. He gets really excited to have dehydrated Mangos or pretzels as a snack.  He loves cereal and although it is a little messy, he does a surprisingly good job of using a real spoon to eat a whole bowl.   He eats less than he used to, especially throughout the day because there are just too many other things to do.  We spent much of these few months outside so he would have lunch and sometimes dinner at his picnic table or on the deck in Sunriver.  Jake loves smoothies…or "smoovies" I should say…his favorite being milk, banana, peanut butter, and yogurt…kid after my own heart.  Jake is nutty about berries this year.  Blueberries are by far his favorite and he can eat them by the pint full.  They make for some nasty diapers, but he sure loves them, the other part is really only my problem.  

Jake's favorite books are:
Right after Jake turned 18 months old and we came home from Palm Desert he went through a stage where he didn't want any books…at all…ever.  I think maybe he was over it after we read the same 12 books for nearly 3 weeks in the desert.  Every night he wanted to do his shape block puzzles.  So for nearly a month at every nap and every bedtime we did one of the two or both the puzzles he has.  As a result, he knew several shapes by 21 months, including triangle, square, star, heart, and circle.  Once we got past the puzzle stage and went back to books there were a few distinct favorites over this time period.  First, Jake loves the Carl books - all about a dog babysitter, there are no words, but he loves doggies and must appreciate my narration.  Next, he loved the "Steam Train, Dream Train" book, or anything "choo choo" related.  Lastly, he became totally obsessed with Curious George.  We had 4 books that we would just rotate through.  I memorized them and he LOVED them! He is almost 2 now and he is still in love with Curious George. One other book that the is still obsessed with is Richard Scarry's Word Book.  It is so fun to see the inscription from my aunt and uncle in 1981 when they gave it to me as a baby and how much he loves this many years later, timeless.  Some favorite pages are the playground, trains, and the big dinner.  

Jake talks about:
At 16 months Jake started to babble non-stop, at 17 months this continued and he added several animal sounds.  It was always clear he understood everything that we said, but he wasn't quite ready for his own words.  By 18 month he had a few words under his belt and by 19-months he probably had 50 words, at 20 months those became two-word phrases that were funny like "eat doggie." and by 21 months it was more like 3 word sentences.  During this time a favorite phrase was "seeyousoon", pronounced as one word and said to living and non-living objects upon Jake's departure from anywhere.  He would say it to "Doggie" to "Mama" and to his taco when I cleared the dinner dishes.  He started using Mama and Papa regularly during this age and it is still my favorite sound.  Jake can count to 3 in sequence and knows many other numbers, but we can't quite get them in the right order yet.  He says "Idunno" (I don't know) in a really cute way too, especially when asked "where did it go?"   

Jake's new tricks include:
Jake changed more in these last 3 months than he has for several months.  Not only did he transform physically from a chubby little baby face to a long, slender ( but sturdy) toddler boy, but his personality continues to take shape everyday.  Perhaps I have said this at every milestone, but while this age has its challenges, it is such fun everyday to see what new connections Jake makes and see the little person he is becoming.  Jake is a thinker.  He is cautious with new things and likes to observe for a bit before jumping in.  He has "stranger danger" and loves to watch people until they make eye contact with him and then he shuts down.  He stays close to Mama, many times between my legs.  Jake goes non-stop and his verbal development and physical growth most definitely define these months.  No longer is it the chubby little baby I wanted so badly to just roll over.    

Jake loves to:
Jake loves to play outside and he especially loves to play with water, the hose and his water table are favorites.  We had a very expensive water bill this Summer so we will have to rethink this approach next year.  Jake loves to wear his helmet whether or not he is even on a bike or scooter.  Sometimes he won't be wearing much more than a helmet and a diaper. In Sunriver Jake started to learn to ride a scooter and showed he had some serious coordination at a young age.   Grandma and Grandpa got Jake a lawn mower that shoots out bubbles and that was a favorite toy for a few months.  We finished our third session of music class in June and for the first time in 9 months Jake hugged "Teacher Audrey" at the end of class.  This was huge progress! Jake loves to take things with him to nap time or bedtime, especially any new toys. You can often find him asleep with Big Doggie and Little Doggie and a random toy, usually one that makes noise.  Before bath and bed Jake loved to "play hide."  He would mostly hide in the middle of his room and start laughing hysterically when Mama or Papa "found" him.  He wanted us to hide too, but he followed so close behind us it was more of a chase.  We tried to teach him how to hide behind clothes in the closet, but that wasn't very successful.  Jake loves all of his little girlfriends.  We see Sayla and Malia at least once a week and he is a little obsessed with Reed across the street.  She is playing hard to get, but I can guarantee she will regret that someday.  Older women can be like that.   Jake has discovered stickers and those can keep his attention at a restaurant for about 3 minutes, which is like a year in Jake time.  Jake loves anything with wheels - trucks, trains, cars.  He likes to dump out all his matchbox cars and have Mama "make circle" with them all.  Jake loves to snuggle be close when we are just relaxing.  When I was sick at the beginning of my pregnancy with Bo I just wanted Jake to watch a cartoon so I could chill out for a minute.  He never sat still for longer than 8 minutes.  Now I think he would watch 8 episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in a row if we let him.  Obsessed.   Jake loves to brush his teeth…and by brush I mean eat the non-flouride toothpaste and suck on the tooth brush.  He has about 10 different toddler brushes but still insists on destroying mine and Papa's.  He knows he is supposed to sit down when he has a toothbrush in his mouth, often he sits on the toilet seat.  He will walk there and ask for his brush.

Jake is a joy, a love, and a light.  Days with him entertaining and happy.  His laugh and smile are infectious and I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming. 

Jake's adventures (19-21 months):

A rainy day photoshoot with Mimi

"upside-down" time in a Sun Valley sweatshirt from when I was little

Digging in Sunriver, but look at those legs and arms, where have they gone?

Mimi's birthday, we all met at the Farmer's Market.

Morning smiles

Sayla, Jake, and Malia - three buds

Hot day hose time

Haircut with Papa

Waiting for a call

We almost lost "Little Doggie" one morning on our walk in the rain, someone picked him up and he was waiting on these steps when we went out looking.

Hugs for Teacher Audrey

We call this "smoovy face"

Boots and a helmet, you can never be too prepared

Playing "Hide"

First stomach flu

Stomach flue, my sweet baby

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