Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We are officially in the second half of pregnancy.  We had our 20 week ultrasound this morning and everything looked great!  We are not finding out Boy or Girl so we shut our eyes at a few points. 
Baby Stats:
Measuring at 21 weeks
Weighs about 14 oz
Heart rate at 144 today
Cute as a button nose
All curled up with it's feet by its head making it tough for the technician to get some of the measurements. 
Everything just where it is supposed to be. 

Mama Stats:
Weight- on track
Blood pressure - super
Appetite - of course
Nothing else to complain of except a sore ankle and new pain in my upper back- can you get a cramp sleeping?

It is like everything in the world washes away when we are in that room watching our baby.  I never thought I could love someone I never met so much.  All I want to do is whatever it takes to keep this sweet little baby happy and healthy.  Seeing Peanut move all around on the screen and seeing Brian hear the heartbeat for the first time, those are moments I don't want to ever forget.  I hope Peanut knows how much we love him/her.  I can't wait to smother those little feet in kisses.  

By the way, I'm guessing our little Peanut is brown eyed boy who wants to snuggle with his Mom and be just like his Dad. 

Sweet baby face

A little arm and hand

A little foot

20 week tummy

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